Thursday, May 24, 2007

Drawing near...

So close to departure time. I've been gathering things that I want to pack... laughable what will fit... I rented a DVD about travelling to Greece from the library and it was phenomenal. I learned that Athens has terrible air pollution due to its traffic problems that is corroding the Acropolis and that the Greek islands have a happenin' gay scene. Somehow these little facts, among others, shook off all nerves, and now all that's left is excitement - well, not for smog, obviously. I just regret that I will not be able to make it to my sister's high school graduation in mid-June. Good luck and happy birthday, Julie!

Also, please feel free to comment on here. Thanks! Bye!


Julie said...

It's almost time!!! I'll miss you, sister.

JimK said...

Hi Alka!
It was nice to see everyone again last night. Have a great time in Greece and take (post) lots of pictures if you have time. Go sailing!

ackeller said...

Nice Blog, Alka. We'll miss you - wish I was going, too!

Chris H said...

Hi Alka,

CRRA misses you! It sounds like a great trip. My sister-in-law traveled to Greece last year and loved Korfu(sp?). Remember to post lots of photos, so we can live vicariously through you.


Anonymous said...

I'm home alone and I miss you already. I'm sorry you had to drive to Boston in the rain. I hope the rest of the trip will run more smoothly. You better be posting everyday. I love you.

Anonymous said...

p.s. i already forgot my password to the last one so i've gone from julie to julianne haha